Change what you cannot accept, and accept what you cannot change.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Me time!

Do you have "me time"? A time when you are the priority? My me time is running.  I'm not the greatest runner, nor am I the fastest, but something about running recharges me.  It gives me time to think things through, listen to music, and just revel in the fact that my body is capable of such a feat.  Running isn't my only me time, I also like to knit. I love watching something start to form and shape and I like to do patterns that require a bit of concentration so I have to focus. Sometimes I don't have the time for either, so my me time might be something as simple as singing along with the car radio at the top of my lungs and not caring about the people in cars next to me.

Me time is part of how I take care of myself.  Whether it is giving myself time to think about something, or to provide me with a break from stress, it's how I make myself a priority. I've always been told you can't take care of others unless you take care of yourself, and I truly believe that.

How do you take care of you?

Something to think about: One small positive thought in the morning can change your day!